How to apply for a study visa in the United Kingdom?
1. You need to obtain an offer of a place on a course before you can apply for a study visa.
2. When you receive your official letter of offer, contact the British Council office in the country where you live for advice about applying for your student visa. There are 32 different UK embassies and high commissions around the world that process applications from overseas students studying in the United Kingdom (UK) who require visas to enter or leave to remain in the UK. The offices are responsible only for their own territory, so check with several offices if necessary. There is usually one in each capital city plus there may be others which cover some neighboring countries - these will appear on, For example, the British Council office in Poland covers the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Slovakia.
You may also be able to get advice from a UK higher education institution as they will have experience of sending overseas students on their courses. They can't guarantee that they can give you accurate information about your visa application but they may be able to help with general inquiries, provide copies of past packing lists and explain what kind of things you will need to show when your interviewer visits you. You should ask your course provider for a list of these institutions' addresses and contact numbers if possible before making an appointment.
Your interviewer might not speak your language so make sure someone helps you with any questions or requests you make during the interview/visit – either yourself or through a friend or family member.
3. Your visa application must be submitted to the correct visa post for your country of permanent residence from the list below:
4. In most cases you will have to pay a fee when you submit your application, but this may vary according to the service requested and the country where you live. You should check with.
5 Make an appointment as soon as possible with the visa office at a UK Immigration embassy or high commission in your country to complete your application, following the instructions on their website carefully before going there. If they ask you to make an appointment through e-mail, do it because it's not always easy to contact them by telephone only (especially if you have a different language as your mother tongue).
6. When you turn up at the visa office, go to the appropriate section of the building which has been allocated for students making visa applications. You will normally be asked to wait where all the other students are sitting until your name is called.
* The information provided is intended to provide a general summary of federal regulations and procedures as outlined in the Immigration and Nationality Act and current Federal Regulations. It does not constitute legal advice nor does it guarantee that you will be given specific consideration or entry into the United Kingdom. For further information about your eligibility for any immigration benefit, consult an immigration solicitors.
We give our best to provide you with comprehensive information on how to apply for a study visa in the United Kingdom. We hope that the following will help you to prepare your own individual case and answer clearly and precisely all of your questions. The process is slightly different depending on whether you intend to undertake an English language course, undergraduate study, or postgraduate study (e.g., MBA).
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